St. Alban's Episcopal church
Our mission is to proclaim the love of God in Christ Jesus for all
The Episcopal Church in Stuttgart, Arkansas
After nine months of prayerful discernment, the bishop search committee is pleased to present the following slate of persons to be considered for the next bishop of Arkansas. The Rev. Canon John T. W. Harmon, Rector, Trinity Episcopal Church, Washington, D.C. The Rev. Mary Vano, Rector, St. Margaret's Episcopal Church, Little Rock, Ark. There will be opportunities to learn more about the candidates at four public meet-and-greets to be held August 3–6 around the diocese. There will be a meet-and-greet at St. Alban's on Friday, August 4, at 5:30 pm. Childcare will be provided, and we will host a reception following the presentation. The electing convention will be held August 19, 2023, at Trinity Cathedral in Little Rock. Our delegates are Marianne Maynard and Linda McCarty. Each candidate will have a primary contact, assigned by the Transitions Committee, shepherding them through the process. We ask that others refrain from direct engagement with the candidates so they may balance this discernment process with their current ministry roles. Any questions you have for the candidates themselves can be submitted online for use at the meet-and-greets. Any questions about the process can be directed to the Transitions Committee or the Standing Committee.
Dear people of God at St. Alban's and St. Peter's:
It is with both joy and sorrow, and above all with trust in the providence and grace of God, that I announce that I have been called to be the next rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Hot Springs, Arkansas. My last Sunday with you will be July 16, 2023. The love I feel for you all cannot be fully expressed in words. I hope you know that being your vicar has been a deep and sustaining joy in my life these last four years. You have taught me what it means to be a priest: to love the people to whom God sends me, to walk alongside them with the Word and Sacraments, to serve the Lord joyfully with them in all that we do. I am exceedingly grateful that the Holy Spirit sent me to you, and I will always be thankful for the love and kindness you have shown Molly and me. Each and every one of you is a dear gift from God. We will have several weeks to say our goodbyes to one another. I hope you will pray for Molly and me in this transition. Please be assured of our prayers and our deep love for you. Faithfully, and with abiding love, Fr. Mark+ |
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